Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bad News Bananas

Last week I received some news that just plain sucked.  I wasn't prepared for it and it caused me to spend Wednesday in my robe and slippers, escaping reality by watching every DVR episode of House Hunters International.  I am shocked, by the way at a cost of a rental (A RENTAL mind you) in city-center Singapore.  $5,000 a month barely gets you a stove to cook on much less an oven.  

Anyhoo, by Thursday I had advanced to the anger stage.  Anger doesn't sit well on me, I am by nature pretty happy-go-lucky and content.  When anger strikes, I really am not sure what to do with it.  I did what everyone should do when they are angry; I headed to Walmart.

See, I also like to depression shop.  When I am depressed-I want to eat.  As I know this is an unhealthy habit, I have created my own game "Imaginary Eating Shopping".  I wander around the store and put everything in my cart I want to stuff my face with (it is always crap food-nothing organic, or grown-up gets to go in the cart) for example: Twinkies  Funyons, honey roasted peanuts, the ginormous vat of cheese balls, chocolate plastic-y mini donuts...etc.

The genius is that I never buy them.  I look at them in my cart, I imagine buying them, getting home and ripping into their delicious contents only to feel gross and lethargic afterwards.  So I put them back on the shelves.  

Now here is where the misplaced anger comes in to play.  I never put them back where they belong.  I get a perverse joy out of placing the Twinkies with the diapers, the Funyons by the slippers, and the honey roasted peanuts by the camping gear.  I like to think that I am helping shoppers who, for example, might be exhausted from a newborn and need the Twinkies but are so tired they can't figure out where they are in the store.  And what camp site doesn't need honey roasted peanuts.  I'm a helper.  

At the same time, I imagine the re-stocking team uttering their frustration and at the same being impressed with the ingenuity of the random grocery bandit.  So I giggle my way around the store, feeling immensely better and almost righteous in my junk food resistance.

I did manage to buy one nostalgic food item for comfort.  Banana-flavored popscicles--the cheaper the better.  I love that imitation banana flavoring, it makes me feel like a kid.  I've only had like, 20 of them since Thursday.  If my tongue turns yellow, is that a bad sign?  

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