Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Absurd Life Lessons

My family and I wanted to make some of my parent's famous chip dip for the upcoming Sunday football games.  For those of you that will make this fabulous recipe which I will include below, it is best if you make it the night before.  So Saturday night I started assembling the dip prior to making dinner.  The last item I put in is always the Worcestershire sauce...the good kind--Lea and Perrins.  For those of you that aren't aware, Worcestershire is a fermented anchovy sauce..yum! :-)

Well low and behold, I was out of this magical sauce.  Since I already was in the middle of making dinner didn't want to run to the store, I had my husband text our good friend and neighbor from across the street to see if she had any.  The neighbor said yes but that she was not home.  She told us to head on over and get it out of her fridge.  I love garage door codes!  She was our superhero.

So I jokingly told the children and my husband to pretend they were burglars and sneak over there all Mission Impossible-like.  I watched them from the kitchen window be as stealthy as a 41 year old man and two preteens could possibly be--which was, not at all.  They brought me the sauce, I finished the dip, wrapped up dinner preparations and we sat down as a family.  You would think that would be the end of the story--but you would be wrong because, hello, this is my crazy life.....

Halfway through dinner, my cell phone rang.  It was my mother.  
I answered and she asked, "So why did you need Worcestershire sauce?"
Me: "What do you mean?  How did you know I needed Worcestershire sauce".
Mom: "Your husband texted me."
Me: "No he didn't--he texted our neighbor."
Mom: "Check your phone--we couldn't understand why you would want to drive all the way over here and borrow our Worcestershire sauce when it would be faster to go to the store."

I checked my phone.  Yup, he had texted my mom and NOT our neighbor.  So apparently we had just broken into her house and stole her Worcestershire sauce--which ironically enough was in the exact same spot in the fridge as my mothers.  

As a family, we all stood up from the table and went to the picture window to look across the street.  I whispered to my husband, was the light on when you entered the house?  The kids answered--Nope.  After staring out the window about 15 min to make sure no cops were coming to arrest us, I informed them that they needed to go back over there, return the sauce, and turn off the lights.  I would call my neighbor later and explain--which I did the next day and she laughed her head off.  But the most entertaining part of the evening was after the kids and my DH returned home.  

I asked both children what was the important life lesson we learned tonight about mis-communication?  Without missing a beat my clever daughter answered: "When you break into someone's house, make sure you leave it the same way it was when you entered."

Oh yeah, parents of the year award...right here!

Famous Family Chip Dip
2 pkgs softened cream cheese (regular or 1/3 less fat only)
1 can of cream of mushroom soup (the fat free kind DOES NOT work well with this recipe)
1 small onion, finely diced
1 pkg beef, diced (see image)
1-2 Tbsp of Worcestershire sauce.

Blend the soup and cream cheese together in a food processor.  Stir in beef and onion.  Mix-in Worcestershire sauce to taste.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.  Serve with potato chips, Wheat Thins, Wheatables, celery, carrots, or baby tomatoes.